报告人: 杨庆隆教授 台湾东华大学
报告摘要:无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network; WSN)透過信息和通信技术、广泛建置、数据收集、感测分析整合,WSN已经在军事、工业、和消费应用等许多领域得到了广泛的应用。例如,智慧城市、智能环保与全、家庭自动化、和电子健康等许多领域。由於大量广泛的使用,因此无线传感器网络的安全性是一个非常重要的议题。为确保安全通信,无线传感器网络有多数是研究通信节点之间如何共享通用密钥。WSN的密钥管理技术,有两大类密钥共享。第一种是为传感器建立成对的密钥分发(Pairwsie Key Distribution)。第二个密钥共享场景是为一个群组中的所有传感器节点分发一个会议密钥的安全群组通(Group Key Distribution)。关于成对密钥分发,攻击者在捕获传感器节点时可能会危及其他安全链路。到现在为止,密钥分发的文献已有很多,研究者们提出了大量各种方案以提高安全的连通率,並同时增强网络抵抗节点被捕获的问题。这个讲座讨论无线传感器网络的密钥分发,包含了成对以及群组通信的密钥分发。本報告內容集中介紹使用多項式技術,以及哈希链方法的密钥分发方案。除了理论解释這些方案,也会说明当初设计的启发动机,让大家能对设计、研究无线传感器网络密钥分发有更深入的了解。
报告人简介:Professor Ching-Nung Yang obtained his Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University. His B.S. and M.S. degrees, both were awarded in Department of Telecommunication Engineering from National Chiao Tung University. Dr. Yang served in National Dong Hwa University since 1999. His current title is Professor in Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. He had been Visiting Professor to University of Missouri Kansas City, University of Milan, and University of Tokyo. He is currently a Fellow of IET (IEE) and an IEEE senior member. Professor Yang has done extensive researches on visual cryptography and secret image sharing, and is the chief scientist in both areas. In fact, a very important innovation of visual cryptography, the probabilistic visual cryptography, was firstly proposed by Professor Yang. His areas of interest include error correcting code, multimedia security, cryptography, and information security. He has authored two books and has published over 250 (including more than 120 SCI-indexed papers) professional research papers in the areas of information security and coding theory. In the meantime, he has served/is serving in international academic organizations. He serves as technical reviewers for over 40 major scientific journals in the areas of his expertise, and serves as editorial boards and editors of special issues for some journals. Also, he was invited as chairs, keynote speakers, and members of program committees for various international conferences. He is the recipient of the 2000, 2006, 2010, 2012, and 2014 Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of Master/PhD of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery.